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St Anne's Infants' School


Reach for the Stars

Autumn Term 1 (2024)

We would like to offer a warm welcome to both new and returning families.  We are excited to begin our shared learning journey and look forward to the many adventures ahead.  


Throughout your child's first term, we will spend time getting to know each other and time forming new friendships. We will explore our indoor and outdoor classrooms and discover what exciting learning opportunities they hold. 


During the term, we will co-construct the class rules and learn why these are important to keep each other safe and happy. We will also learn about the School's 'Star Values' and how at St Anne's we 'shine because we are...STARS!' We will begin to explore how we can be self-believers, team players, adventurous, resilient and successful. 


We will begin to practise sitting, listening and joining in as a group.  We will share lots of different nursery rhymes; sing fun action songs and explore numbers and counting.  As Autumn arrives, we will discover the changes that occur at this time of year.


We will use our whole school teaching programme called 'Jigsaw' to build upon our Personal, Social and Emotional Development.  We will particularly focus on 'Being me in my World.'


You can support your child by talking to them about their day; who they have played with and what they have done.  Remember to regularly log into your child's Tapestry account where you can discover more about her/his learning (login details will be provided during Term 1). We would also love you to share any 'wow' moments that may occur at home. 


If you have any questions, however large or small, please don't hesitate to approach a member of the team.  
