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Welcome to Term 2!
Term 2 is all about building on the positive start to the year in order to show our school values as S.T.A.R.S everyday.
As writers, we will be focusing on non-fiction genres to demonstrate our knowledge of animals. This will include using scientific vocabulary and a range of different grammatical features. Our inspiration will come from exploring both British animals and animals from around the world. We will be reading a range of animal inspired stories, including 'The Journey Home' and 'There's a Rang-tan in my bedroom' by Frann Preston-Gannon, as we think about animal habitats and what they need in order to survive.
In reading, we will begin to read more challenging texts as a class. Through our programme, Routes to Reading, we will read with expression, discuss and respond to a wide variety of texts from different genres to help us build our understanding.
As mathematicians, Year 2 will start to explore addition and subtraction in numbers up to 100. We will learn different methods to solve equations, including using concrete resources, number lines and by putting our number facts to good use.
Our Enquiry this term is called 'What is home?' and focuses on learners becoming Artists, Geographers and Scientists. The children will learn about what animals and humans need in order to survive. This will include exploring their habitats, food sources and offspring. To immerse the children in wildlife, we will be visiting Bath City Farm on Tuesday 5th November.
We will also enjoy being athletes in our PE lessons and musicians in our music lessons.
Keep an eye on the website for photo updates of our learning!
Key Information
School Lunches: Please book your child's lunch in advance through Parent Pay
Water bottles: Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school with them each day
Reading Books: Please ensure your child's reading book comes with them to school each day
Homework: Your child may be sent small tasks for homework, and we would be really grateful if you could support them in their learning
Saturn: Tuesday and Wednesday (outside P.E. if it's not raining)
Jupiter: Tuesday and Friday
Please send your child to school in their P.E kit on their P.E days. This should include a plain white t-shirt, black shorts, leggings or joggers and appropriate black P.E shoes
Communication: You can contact your child's class teacher through their class email address: and
Please bear in mind that this inbox is not checked on a daily basis. Class teachers are also available briefly at the end of the day, once all children have been collected.