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The Early Years Speech and Language Therapy Team works with families of children aged 0-4 years (up to preschool age), across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.
Speech and Language Therapy Toolkit
This is a really useful website with lots of ideas to support receptive and expressive Language.
Colourful Semantics have a wealth of resources for free to support early language and sentence construction.
The Communication Trust has many links to different resources for parents as well as offering some free training which is very interesting.
Dough Disco is great for fine motor skills.
CEAT have added resources to their page for families to use.
Free sensory planning with multisensory activities and messy play.
Free resources available from Social Thinking
Information and support for parents from a Bristol parent
SOS spelling is a dyslexia friendly approach to learning spelling.
Take a look at our Zones of Regulation information page.
Find out more about about we support children's social, emotional and mental health at St Anne's through Hamish and Milo.
Hey Sigmund provides a wealth of advice for supporting children with anxiety.
You can find some ideas for wellbeing apps here.
Click here for information about mental health in children