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St Anne's Infants' School


Reach for the Stars

Munchkins After-School Club

Munchkins After School Club @ St Anne's Infants School is an externally run wrap-around service which offers fun, creative and child-led care on the school site. The After School Club is open Monday-Friday between 3.15pm-6pm, term-time only and takes children aged Reception and above.


Fay Simcox, the manager, SENCo and safeguarding lead for Munchkins Childcare, has a wealth of experience in working with young children as do the members of her team. 


The Play Leader for Munchkins After School Club deals with safeguarding, day-to-day queries, registers, sports/arts/science clubs notifications before Munchkins, absences and pick-up information. Mobile: 07719 939873 (mobile only on during operational hours) Email:


For booking enquiries, please visit our website or

contact / 07384 362086 


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