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Click here to visit the SEND and You website, a registered charity that has been providing information, advice and support about SEND to children, young people and their parents and carers for thirty years.
SEN resources blog: Advice, learning activities and recommended toys, books and resources for children with SEN
Bristol Parent Carers is a non-profit organisation based in Bristol, consisting of volunteer parent carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). As a pan-disability charity, they provide information and support to all families, regardless of their child’s type of need or diagnosis status.
Their calendar is a valuable resource for families in Bristol seeking inclusive events and activities for children with special educational needs and or disabilities.
Here is a link to a leaflet created by Bristol Parent Carers detailing a wealth of information about other support organisations.
Here is the link to Bristol Autism Project (BAP) who provide family holiday activities for autistic children aged 4-18 years. They are free activities that run Monday-Friday during the school holidays. If you follow the link, there is a link to a form to register with BAP and once you have done this, you are able to book on activities.
Here is a the link to Out and About who provide inclusive sessions and support for Disabled and SEND children.
KHAAS provides support to black and minority ethnic (BAME) children with disabilities and additional needs and their carers and families. Khaas remains the only charity in the region delivering services to improve the lives of BAME families. They provide Saturday respite sessions, holiday playschemes and sessions for parents and carers.