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St Anne's Infants' School


Reach for the Stars

Autumn Term 1

Welcome to Year 2!


For the first two weeks of Term 1 we will be getting to know each other and learning the routines of Year Two. We have planned a variety of fun and exciting activities including painting, baking and games, all designed to help children build relationships with each other and their new classroom adults. We will spend time getting to know your child and finding the best ways to support them.


As writers, we will develop our understanding of punctuation, spelling and letter formation to write simple sentences. We will be using the story 'Where The Wild Things Are' to go on a journey, and using the Zones of Regulation to write animal poems.


In reading, we will be building our phonics knowledge and wider vocabulary to read a variety of texts with fluency and expression.  We will also be doing lots of work on reading and writing our red words. These are all the words that we can't stretch out to read or write, so we just need to learn them.


As mathematicians, we will be using different resources, including blocks, diennes and counters to explore and secure our knowledge of numbers to 100 and calculations within 20. 


Our Enquiry this term is called 'What can my puppet be made of?' and focuses on learners becoming Scientists and Engineers. The children will select from and use a range of tools and materials to make a 'Wild Thing' hand puppet, performing practical tasks such as cutting, joining, sewing and finishing. We will then use these puppets to retell our stories!


We will also enjoy being athletes in our PE lessons and musicians in our music lessons.


Keep an eye on the website for photo updates of our learning!


Key Information


School Lunches: Please book your child's lunch in advance through Parent Pay

Water bottles: Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school with them each day

Reading Books: Please ensure your child's reading book and reading record comes with them to school each day

Homework: Your child may be sent small tasks for homework, and we would be really grateful if you could support them in their learning


Pick Up


Year Two pick up will be at 3.20pm from the Year 2 door. Both classes will be brought outside to the bottom of the steps, with Jupiter lining up along the building wall and Saturn along the muga. Children are encouraged to wait in line order and raise their hand when they see their adult. This supports us as we start to learn their adults and ensures that all children are safe. Thank you for your understanding and patience.



Saturn: Tuesday and Wednesday

Jupiter: Tuesday and Wednesday

Please send your child to school in their P.E kit on their P.E days. This should include a plain white t-shirt, black shorts, leggings or joggers and appropriate black P.E shoes


Communication: You can contact your child's class teacher through their class email address: and Please bear in mind that this inbox is not checked on a daily basis. Class teachers are also available briefly at the end of the day, once all children have been collected.
