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St Anne's Infants' School


Reach for the Stars


Assessment is at the heart of teaching and learning. It identifies where a child is in their learning journey and provides next steps the to be taken. It enables staff, children, parents, governors and other parties to identify and celebrate successes and measure progress. Assessment is carried out against Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum as relevant.


At St Anne's Infants' we use two types of assessment:

Formative assessment

This type of assessment enables staff and children to identify strengths and informs next steps for their learning. Teachers carry this type of assessment out through questioning, observation, verbal feedback, self and peer assessment and marking.  


Summative assessment

This type of assessment is usually carried out at the end of a unit of work to identify the progress a child, group or cohort have made over a given period of time. We hold progress meetings three times a year; it is at these points that we complete summative assessment which informs our provision to support or extend children's learning.


Standardised testing e.g. Year 2 SATs and the Year 1 phonics screening are also forms of summative assessment.


To ensure consistent, accurate and appropriate judgements staff use national, local and school based exemplification materials and moderate their judgements both within school and across schools.
