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Happy New Year! We hope that you all had a good break. We are looking forward to term 3 and all the fun that it will bring!
Enquiry learning
Our enquiry this term is 'where is my school?'
The children will identify the UK and its countries as well as exploring physical and human features in our locality. They will then compare these to other areas of the world. The children will develop their geographical skills by using aerial photographs, Google Earth and maps to recognise landmarks and human and physical features before devising their own maps with a simple key.
We look forward to inviting you in to share these maps at the end of the enquiry!
As authors we will be continuing to focus on writing sentences that are accurately punctuated with capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and application of our GPCS (sounds).
We will continue to focus on spelling red words (common exception words) correctly in our writing.
We will be working towards writing our own setting descriptions of an invented school, inspired by the Beegu story.
Whilst working as Mathematicians, we shall use everyday examples to help our children to name and recognise the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We shall also have the opportunity to create patterns, compose tangram images and build 3D models using a range of manipulatives.
Our children will also continue to develop and secure their number knowledge of numbers 0 - 10 by exploring numerals and number names, partitioning numbers, using a number line and understanding odd and even numbers.
Philosopher (PSHE)
We move onto the Dreams and Goals jigsaw piece whereby the children learn how to set achievable goals and plan how to reach them over the term. This links really nicely with our Star Values of self-belief, being adventurous, resilient and successful. We would love to hear about dreams and goals you are working on together at home.
The children will continue with personal and social skills through REAL PE as well explore Dance in their other session.