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St Anne's Infants' School


Reach for the Stars

Term 3

For internet safety day we discussed how we might feel if we were sent a link that we were not wanting to receive. We know that we need to tell an adult and report such messages, links, texts and emails. We also learnt about our own personal information and how we need to keep this safe.

Venus Class enjoyed their investigation for NSPCC Number Day. We read the story Equal Shmequal and then used the scales to investigate weight

Enquiry: Who Helps Who? We have been learning about nurses from the past such a Princess Campbell and Florence Nightingale. We were able to ask a nurse from the present lots of questions to identify similarities and differences.

Venus Class used physical objects to create a map of the classroom with a key.

Enquiry: Where is my school? Venus Class explored maps and keys by looking at Google Maps, large scale maps of cities, maps of local areas and atlases.

We went on a local walk to help us to identify human and physical features, as part of our enquiry “Where is my school?” We spotted the church, pharmacy and the corner shop!
